Create and Connect Workshops

As part of our vision for 'Create and Connect’ we are running a series of free creative workshops that are open to all as a chance to learn new skills and meet new people.

The workshops

What will I make and what is included?

You will explore techniques and materials surrounding a specific creative skill/medium. You will create at least one ‘finished’ product. All materials are included, as well as a cup of tea or coffee.

Why is it free?

We believe that being creative is a great way to boost mental health and self confidence. We want these workshops to help people feel less isolated, learn a new skill and improve their wellbeing. These courses are free because we are aware that there are many who are struggling with isolation and mental health challenges that wouldn't be able to afford to come to a paid course. So we applied for a grant that allows us to purchase the materials we need, enabling us to run our workshops for free! Should you wish to, we would happily accept a donation to Saints to help us continue to offer all that we can to support the community, but this is not necessary by any means.